Linkker Oy:n osakkeenomistajat kutsutaan varsinaiseen yhtiökokoukseen, joka pidetään perjantaina 29.11.2019 kello 13.00 alkaen Linkker Oy:n Lahden konttorissa, Koritie 2, 15540 VILLÄHDE. Kokoukseen ilmoittautuneiden vastaanottaminen aloitetaan kello 12.30.
Continue reading “Kutsu Linkker Oy:n varsinaiseen yhtiökokoukseen”SRS equipped Linkker 12LE tested in Malaga
Alstom Transport selected Linkker 12+ Low Entry electric bus for its project in City of Malaga. The project is to test in real operational conditions Alstom’s new ground based fast charging connectivity system SRS.
The bus is equipped with a 55kWh LTO battery, SRS fast
charging connectivity solution and was commissioned in August for commercial
operation on line 1 in central Malaga. The bus is charging 20-30 times a day in
short bursts with 200kW power achieving daily mileage of more than 200km also
in very demanding Mediterranean conditions.
SRS charging connectivity system can be upgraded from
50kW to 800kW without any major technical changes. Aboard the vehicles, the
collector shoes are attached underneath vehicle’s chassis.